2022 Traffic Safety Report available for public review
While most crashes on Larimer County rural roads are still caused by road departures, road and safety improvements, and better monitoring have helped lower some of these accidents.
Distracted driving is also still a major cause of these accidents, with drivers between 20 to 29 years old involved in crashes, many of which occur at intersections. Accidents involving injuries were up 18% in 2022 compared with 2021.
In addition to distracted driving, excessive speed, and impaired driving were also common causes of crashes. Larimer County crash data and causes also mirror Colorado and national trends since vehicle travel has increased on Larimer County roads.
The 2022 Larimer County Traffic Safety Report, an annual report prepared by Larimer County Engineering, has been released for public review and was also recently presented to the Board of Larimer County Commissioners.
The report contains crash data, safety improvements, an inventory of roads and bridges maintained by the county, and other data about Larimer County roads and transportation.
The report also covers current and planned projects designed to increase safety on Larimer County’s road system such as road widening, new pavement, broader roadway shoulders, and road realignment. Traffic speed monitors and displays have also been strategically placed on Larimer County roads to encourage drivers to follow proper speed limits and slow their speed if necessary.
Larimer County has also been awarded a federal grant to develop a traffic safety action plan for unincorporated portions of Larimer County. The Federal Highway Administration’s Safe Streets for All [SS4A] grant will help Larimer County increase its efforts with various projects to make Larimer County roads safer.
Public outreach and engagement and details about the SS4A grant will be available soon at this link: https://www.larimer.gov/engineering
Questions about the Larimer County Traffic Safety Report or SS4A grant? Reach out to Larimer County Engineering at 970-498-5700 or email ENG-Traffic@larimer.gov.

Mark Peterson, Larimer County Engineer, 970-498-5714, petersmr@co.larimer.co.us