Rate Your Day!
In an effort to better connect people, nature, and place, Larimer County Department of Natural Resources (LCDNR) is piloting a customer service feedback campaign this summer to assess visitor satisfaction, identify barriers that may be limiting access to nature opportunities, and identify areas of customer service improvement.
Visitors will see posters, flyers, and small handouts that invite them to “Rate Your Day” online. Three simple questions will measure the satisfaction rating and will take less than two minutes to complete. LCDNR’s goal is to get a pulse on a collective satisfaction level rating across all parks and open spaces in Larimer County.
The campaign is planned for June through October and will span all properties managed by LCDNR.
Modeled after familiar online rating systems from the commercial sector, the feedback will not be used for future advertising or customer acquisition, but instead for customer service improvements. We invite each visitor to rate their day with us each and every time you visit so we can better serve you
Fill out the form at https://larimer.gov/RateYourDay

1800 S. County Road 31, Loveland, CO 80537 Map
Hours: M-F 9-4; closed for lunch 12:30 - 1 p.m.
(970) 619-4570