2024 Environmental Stewardship Awards: nominate now
Our environment is one of the aspects that makes Larimer County such a great place to live, work and play. If you know someone or an organization that has been a great steward of our environment, nominate them for an Environmental Stewardship Award.
The Board of County Commissioners and the Environmental and Science Advisory Board are taking nominations for the 2024 Environmental Stewardship Awards. Both individuals and organizations are invited to participate.
The nomination deadline for this year’s awards is March 24, 2024. It’s easy to nominate online, just visit https://www.larimer.org/boards/environmental-and-science-advisory-board/awards/nominate.
The awards recognize individuals, organizations, and businesses that engage in activities that exemplify outstanding stewardship of our environment. These projects can be large or small, complex or simple, and span a wide range of activities. They can also be ongoing events or one-time activities.
Projects can be self-nominated or nominated by others, and anyone is eligible to nominate a deserving individual, organization, business, or public agency for an award. A list of previous stewardship awards is available by visiting https://www.larimer.org/boards/environmental-and-science-advisory-board/awards
The ESAB reviews each of the nominations and makes recommendations to the Board of Larimer County Commissioners, who make final selections. Winners are recognized by the Board of Larimer County Commissioners at a special public meeting.

Shelley Bayard de Volo, [970] 498-5738, sbayard@larimer.org.