On April 6th, the 8th Judicial District hosted its fourth Warrant Clearance Event and community resource fair. This event was sponsored by the 8th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, the Office of the State Public Defender, the 8th Judicial District Judicial Branch, and the Loveland Municipal Court. The community resource fair was hosted by Larimer County Community Justice Alternatives.

The purpose of these events is to bring those with low-level warrants back into the criminal justice system and work to resolve their cases.

On the April 6th event, 89 warrants were cleared. That included 25 traffic cases, 38 misdemeanor cases, 15 felony cases, and 11 Municipal Court cases. 17 were turned away for ineligibility (most frequently out-of-county or out-of-state warrants).

This event allows members of our community to take accountability for their offenses while eliminating the need to spend unnecessary time in jail.

Some of the success stories of this event include:

  • One attendee flew in from Iowa specifically to resolve an outstanding warrant for a 2002 DUI.
  • Resolution for a defendant with a misdemeanor theft who is now nine months sober and successful in a sober living community.
  • An attendee who is a veteran came to clear his warrant to be able to attend a veteran in-patient treatment program.

“The Warrant Clearance event is a great way for those involved in the criminal justice system to take accountability but avoid unnecessary jail time that would only waste taxpayer dollars,” said District Attorney Gordon McLaughlin.

“The dedication of our attorneys and staff to show up on a Saturday to find innovative ways to further our mission to improve community safety with compassion is something I’m very proud of. Thank you to all the criminal justice and nonprofit partners who collaborated to make this happen.”

Warrant clearance events help bring access to justice into our community,” said the 8th Judicial District Court Executive. “Our judges and staff are grateful to have the opportunity to work alongside our resource providers and justice system stakeholders to provide service to the people of Larimer County.”

"The Community Resources available at the event was a prime example of agencies working together to break down barriers and provide services to those who may not have had access to these programs in the past,” said Emily Humphry, Director of Larimer County Community Justice Alternatives. “Larimer County is fortunate to have these amazing caring organizations."

A special thank you to all the community partners who helped bring resources to our attendees.

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District Attorney Seal


       Gordon P. McLaughlin 
             District Attorney 
     Larimer & Jackson Counties

Contact: Kylie Massman 
                  Communications Specialist  
                  Email Kylie 
                  (970) 498-7168


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