Starting October 1, 2024, the Larimer County Department of Human Services will implement changes to the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP or CCAP). These changes will impact both child care providers and families currently participating in the program.

In March, the Larimer County Human Services implemented an enrollment freeze to CCAP to address budget constraints. However, due to ongoing funding shortages, additional changes to program benefits and requirements are now necessary. These updates are outlined in the table below.

The county will continue the CCAP enrollment freeze for the foreseeable future. Eligible families may still submit applications through the Colorado Peak website. While applications will be accepted and screened, a full eligibility review will be postponed until the freeze is lifted.

For more information about CCAP, visit the program webpage or call 970-498-6300.

CCAP BenefitWho is directly affected?Previous benefitChange as of 10/1
Activity FeesProvidersProviders received a one-time annual payment of $250 when the authorization began.Larimer County CCAP will no longer cover activity fees per child.
Registration FeesProvidersProviders received up to $100 per year for each child.Larimer County CCAP will no longer cover the cost of registration fees.
Transportation FeesProvidersProviders received an annual payment of $250 per child when an authorization begins. Providers received this payment if it is included in their fiscal agreement.Larimer County CCAP will no longer cover transportation fees for providers.
HolidaysProvidersPreviously licensed providers were paid for the following ten (10) holidays if they were closed: New Year's Day, MLK Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th Independence Day, Labor Day, Francis Xavier Cabrini Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.Larimer County CCAP pays licensed providers for the following four (4) holidays if they are closed: New Year’s Day, July 4th Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
AbsencesProvidersProviders were paid for up to 15 absences per child.CCAP will cover a maximum of three absences per month for quality levels 1 or 2, a maximum of four absences per month for quality levels 3, 4, or 5, and a maximum of three absences per month if they are in a school-aged program.
Job Search WeeksFamiliesPreviously, families had 20 weeks for job search.Families will have 13 weeks for job search.
Stabilization period for families experiencing homelessnessFamiliesPreviously, families had 26  weeks to turn in paperwork required for CCAP or to participate in an eligible activity. Eligible activities  include employment, self-employment, education, post-secondary education, job search, job skills training, and Colorado Works/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) approved work activities.

Families will have 60 days (about 9 weeks) to turn in paperwork for CCAP or to participate in an eligible activity. The eligible list of activities will not change


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