Larimer County work collaboratively to ensure adequate public infrastructure is available to support the needs of our growing community.
OBJECTIVE 1 - REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION: By the end of 2023 , a regional transportation task force will establish a prioritized list of regional transportation projects with corresponding cost estimates. The task force, led by Larimer County, will evaluate alternative funding options, and based on community polling, recommend a specific strategy for generating additional locally derived funding for regional transportation projects over the next 20 years. By the end of 2023, establish the funding mechanism and begin implementation of the highest priority projects.
RESULTS: This objective is complete. The County led the regional effort to develop the prioritized list and placed a measure on the ballot to secure funding from a dedicated sales tax, which was not approved by the voters. The County has funded and pursued this effort as far as is warranted considering current local community priorities and support. The technical team for this objective supports further dialogue and development of a standard presentation that would be given to all communities to determine the level of interest from elected officials in pursuing further regional transportation efforts.
OBJECTIVE 2 - SOLID WASTE: By the end of 2024, Tier 1 improvements identified within the Solid Waste Infrastructure Master Plan will be constructed and placed into operation to establish core municipal solid waste disposal infrastructure. Over the next 5 years the diversion goal for the regional waste shed is 40% by 2025.
RESULTS: This objective has been partially operationalized. The County is negotiating with a vendor to implement a public-private partnership for design, construction and operations of a transfer station and new landfill. The anticipated date to open the new landfill is July of 2024. With regard to other components of this goal, rising costs require further evaluation of diversion and emerging technologies, which are now part of the Solid Waste Department’s ongoing operations.
OBJECTIVE 3 - RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE: By the end of 2020, Larimer County will develop a comprehensive rural infrastructure strategy that defines the County’s role, funding level, and targeted activities to 1) address the growing demand for street reconstruction and maintenance within every County subdivision; 2) expand broadband services within unincorporated areas; and 3) improve long-term planning for water supply and wastewater treatment infrastructure in unincorporated areas.
Street reconstruction: The team for this objective has researched solutions for this portion of the goal, including a “Master Public Improvement District (PID)” covering most of unincorporated Larimer County, but this option has been determined to be unfeasible. The County is considering an alternative option to creating advisory boards for each PID, evaluate whether special elections can be held, and explore whether the application fee should be waived for some subdivisions. PID staff met with Road & Bridge to discuss the priority list for County Maintained Subdivisions and discuss a communication strategy to the public.
Broadband: This objective has become operationalized, as the County is implementing a number of projects to expand high-speed broadband access in rural areas of the County and has applied for several grant opportunities. The projects currently in development include:
- Loveland Pulse Project in progress (Ptarmigan, N or 57th, and Devils Backbone area) Ptarmigan HOA voted to approve a 25% match for the fiber project.
- Fort Collins Connexion in initial planning (Southwest of Fort Collins)
- Poudre Valley Rural Electric Authority (PVREA) line from Livermore to Red Feather Lakes ~ 50% complete. Also working on a lease agreement for fiber to connect the new landfll.
- Colorado Department of Local Affairs grant for a middle mile connector from Fort Collins to Wellington and Masonville has been submitted. Looking into connecting Wellington water treatment and reclamation sites as part of grant.
- Assisting Timnath and Berthoud with Fiber to the Premise plane. Timnath is working with Loveland Pulse on an Intergovernmental Agreement to serve the city. Berthoud is still working on final decision.
- Assisting a number of Homeowners Associations on strategic plans and possible projects to improve internet services.
- Working on Federal Communications Commission map challenges with the state broadband office and preparing for future grant opportunities.
- Developing tools to gauge resident interest, prepare capital project fund applications for underserved residents, and finalize the fiber lease agreement with PVREA for the new landfll site.
Water & Wastewater: A consultant completed the Larimer County Regional Water Existing Conditions Report. The Department of Natural Resources has been working with in-stream flow recommendations with the state, and outcomes will take about a year. The County will continue to evaluate the county’s role on the topic of water sharing. The County has also allocated $500,000 in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to fund a community restroom, including design and construction, in Red Feather Lakes.
OBJECTIVE 4 - WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: By the end of 2024, Larimer County will complete a regional watershed management collaboration effort to 1) improve mitigation efforts for flood-related hazards; 2) promote water sharing strategies to preserve agriculture and sustain water supplies; and 3) establish management and funding solutions to improve NRCS Dams B2, B3, and B4 based on the high-risk dam classification established by the State of Colorado.
Flood-related hazards: The Cameron Peak Fire expansion of the Early Flood Warning System is complete. The County is awaiting a decision on Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds for the expansion into the Boxelder Drainage. Staff are sponsoring a Colorado State University Civil Engineering Senior Design Project this year to develop an Emergency Action Plan related to the Rain/Stream gauges. A HMGP grant was received for ($90,000 federal, $10,000 local) to help fund the installation of the rain/stream gages required by the State Engineer's Office to come into compliance with the regulations for dams B-2, B-3, and B-4. A summer intern will help finalize the final products for these objectives.
Water sharing strategies: The State has recently made a change to the conservation tax credits program, allowing property owner can get a 90% reimbursement rather than 50%, which will help promote conservation easements. The County is working with several municipalities and water providers to evaluate their interest in transfer of water supply with lease-back provisions to agricultural properties. Staff will be scheduling a future executive session with the Commissioners to discuss a potential project that may be available.
B-dams: This objective will become operational during 2023. A final draft of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) was sent to all the stakeholders. A new draft of the IGA was prepared by the City of Fort Collins and is being reviewed legal staff.