Simple Energy Savings Steps to Reduce Operational Costs

Buildings are one of the primary consumers of energy and one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Larimer County. There are many simple ways you can use energy efficiently and encourage wise transportation choices at your business. Even if you don't own your building, there are still abundant opportunities to decrease energy waste and save money.

  • Conduct an energy assessment to understand your baseline energy use and find out how you can improve
  • Renovate your lighting with LEDs, including exit signs
    • Browse this  to see how much a difference new lighting can make
  • Ensure energy-saving features are activated for office equipment and turn them off when not in use
  • Water heater need replaced? Look into heat pump water heaters which will lower emissions, cost, and energy use over time 
  • Install a programmable thermostat
  • For your company fleet, consider adopting hybrid or electric vehicles
    • Watts@Work provides workplace charging assistance  
  • Install weather stripping to close gaps around windows and doors
    • Use this guide to find and seal hidden air leaks and reduce energy bills
  • Establish a routine cleaning and maintenance schedule for all equipment to keep it running smoothly and efficiently
    • Use this guide as a checklist and to learn best practices to maintain your heating and cooling equipment


Check out the incentives page to find out about the numerous energy related rebates available!