The Climate Smart Future Ready initiative is being implemented in seven Focus areas and by 18 action teams that include members from 10 County departments and over 50 Community Partners so, with such a large effort, collaboration is key.
The action teams highlighted on this page are modified to meet the expertise needed as actions evolve. Larimer County is thankful for the breadth of partnership and community collaboration a we seek to improve community health and well-being, address risks from worsening air quality and natural disasters, and ensure a robust economy.
For more information on the efforts of these action teams, please visit our dashboard .
Unifying Solutions Team Actions Identified Integrate equity assessment and toolkit into action team’s work Identify and prioritize funding Advocate for public policy and legislation that support this plan Organizations Participating with Larimer County CSU Climate Initiative / SOGES Colorado Communities for Climate Action
Health Impacts Team Actions Identified Share information that highlights the connections between actions and realized impacts to our communityLaunch campaign on extreme heat and air quality Develop infographics and community outreach Organizations Participating with Larimer County CSU Extension Poudre Libraries CSU Environmental Justice Center CSU Learning Center Kaiser Permanente CDPHE Prevention Services 350 Colorado The Center for Family Outreach Children’s Hospital Colorado Private Practice Physicians City of Fort Collins
Land Use Team Actions Identified Align goals and priorities related to: greenhouse gas emissions, growth management, wildlife corridors, water, air quality, affordable housing, public health, transportation, and community resilience and risk Organizations Participating with Larimer County CSU Institute for the Built Environment North Front Range MPO
Energy Efficiency and Electrification Team Actions Identified Provide education, training, and incentives that reduce the upfront cost for property owners who weatherize and electrify their businesses and homes. Organizations Participating with Larimer County Carbon Neutral Group Colorado State University Poudre Valley REA Platte River Power Authority Xcel Energy City of Fort Collins City of Loveland Sandbox Solar Regional Air Quality Council Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce Schneider Electric Energy Code Team Actions Identified Convene a regional group, including all municipalities, to update building codes that encourage energy efficiency, indoor air quality and healthy home standards. Organizations Participating with Larimer County City of Loveland City of Fort Collins Safebuilt ProCode Inc Town of Wellington Town of Louisville Town of Greeley Boulder County Weld County Grid Resilience and Renewables Team Actions Identified Support renewable energy installations and electric grid expansion to accommodate building and transportation electrification in an equitable manner. Organizations Participating with Larimer County City of Fort Collins City of Loveland Town of Estes Park Poudre Valley REA Platte River Power Authority Xcel Energy
Circular Economy Team Actions Identified Expand capacity to accept and process compostable and recyclable materials Promote and expand end markets for materials Organizations Participating with Larimer County Transitioning members and focus from Year 1 to Year 2 actions.... to be updated soon.
Businesses and Jobs Team Actions Identified Support businesses focused on sustainability in operations, products, or services Enhance workforce development for jobs in sustainability Organizations Participating with Larimer County
Water Plan Team Actions Identified Increase the efficiency of water used across urban and agriculture sectors Develop and implement water plan
Develop regional strategy to assess risks and vulnerabilities related to water storage, distribution, and flows
Organizations Participating with Larimer County Northern Water Alliance for Water Efficiency Morning Fresh Dairy Flood Review Board City of Fort Collins East Larimer County Water District Fort Collins Loveland Water District Town of Estes Park Town of Wellington City of Greeley City of Loveland Town of Johnstown Town of Windsor Fischer Brown Law Northern Water Mighty Arrow CSU Extension Land Stewardship Team Actions Identified Implement local climate-resilient and ecologically adaptive restoration and stewardship practices Organizations Participating with Larimer County Larimer Conservation District Peaks to People Northern Water Conservancy District CO State Forest Service Poudre Watershed Coalition Big Thompson Watershed Coalition Estes Valley Watershed Coalition Fort Collins Water Greeley Water Northern Colorado Fireshed Collaborative The Nature Conservancy Mighty Arrow Family Foundation Colorado Forest Restoration Institute USDA NRCS USDA Forest Service Loveland Fire and Rescue Authority National Forest Foundation Colorado Parks and Wildlife Ecosystem Services Team Actions Identified Conserve land that enhances ecological connectivity and improve ecosystem services Refine priorities for land conservation
Enhance ecological resources
Identify resources for underserved communities to access public lands
Organizations Participating with Larimer County City of Fort Collins City of Loveland Town of Berthoud Town of Estes Park Town of Windsor Town of Timnath Colorado Open Lands Cattleman’s Land Trust Estes Valley Land Traut The Nature Conservancy Colorado Natural Heritage Program Colorado State Forest Service Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Colorado Water Trust Boulder County NOCO Places 2050 Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Team Actions Identified Responsible Fire Management Practices Reduce disaster risk and increase community resilience Organizations Participating with Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Peaks to People Poudre Fire Authority CO State Forest Service Ember Alliance Poudre Watershed Larimer Conservation District Estes Valley Fire Big Thompson Watershed Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Regional Agriculture Team Actions Identified Provide agricultural land and infrastructure access for farmers that reduces GHG emissions and improves soil health Organizations Participating with Larimer County Poudre Valley Community Farms City of Fort Collins Colorado Open Lands Belafonte Farm Ent Wise Farm Little Fresh Farm Native Hill Farm NoCo Cattle Company West Family Farm Soil Health Team Actions Identified Increase long-term carbon storage and climate resilient soils Identify best practices for improving soil health
Identify challenges in adopting practices
Organize community events
Organizations Participating with Larimer County CSU Extension USDA City of Fort Collins Larimer Conservation District Poudre Valley Community Farms Morning Fresh Dairy Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Folks Farm and Seed Root Shoot Malting CSU Soil Carbon Solution Center Citizen Soil Health Initiative CSU Farm Business Center In-Riches CSU ARDEC Local Food Markets Team Actions Identified Expand access to local, fresh food for equity priority communities Organizations Participating with Larimer County Poudre Food Partnership The Growing Project Mi Voz Poudre Valley Community Farms Northern Colorado Foodshed Project
Electric Vehicle and Electric Transportation Team Actions Identified Improve infrastructure and provide education and incentives for electric transportation. Organizations Participating with Larimer County Drive Clean Colorado Xcel Partners in Energy Poudre Valley REA YMCA of the Rockies Town of Estes Park City of Loveland City of Fort Collins Regional Air Quality Council Colorado State University Big Thompson School District Poudre School District Monarca Group North Front Range MPO Mobility Cross Boundary Team Actions Identified Enhance and expand regional transportation Organizations Participating with Larimer County North Front Range MPO Transitioning members and focus from Year 1 to Year 2 actions.... to be updated soon. Bike, Pedestrian, and Non-Motorized Transportation Team Actions Identified Improve maintenance, connectivity, safety, and accessibility of existing and new biking and walking infrastructure Organizations Participating with Larimer County North Front Range MPO ( NOCO Bike and Ped Collaborative ) City of Fort Collins City of Loveland CDPHE Town of Windsor Town of Greeley Town of Timnath Colorado State University League Cycling Instructors
Interconnected Strategies Interconnections between the Climate Smart Future Ready Teams can be seen in the table below.
Unifying Solutions
Built Environment
Circular Economy
Business and Jobs
Natural Environment
Unifying Solutions x
Built Environment x
Circular Economy x
Business and Jobs x
Natural Environment x
Agriculture x
Mobility x