Property taxes officially become delinquent on June 17 this year. For payments postmarked after each deadline date, delinquent interest must be included with your payment. Your payment will be rejected and returned to you pending the payment of delinquent interest. Use your schedule number to calculate your current amount due.

Delinquent Interest Chart 

Month PaidFebruary 28 Deadline:
Half Tax Option - 1st Half
June 15 Deadline:
Half Tax Option - 2nd Half
April 30 Deadline:
Full Tax Option
March 1%N/AN/A
May3% N/A1% 
June 1-154%N/A2%
June 16-304%1%2%
November** 9%6%7%

*Advertising fees added Sept 1 for personal property and Oct 1 for real property. Use your schedule number to calculate your current amount due.

**The tax lien sale takes place in November. Additional fees will be due after the sale. Please call (970) 498-7020 for the amount due.


All real property tax not paid by September 30 of the current year will be advertised as delinquent for public auction (Tax Lien Sale). Therefore, an additional $10.00 fee will be required along with the tax payment to cover advertising expenses (amount is subject to change). Advertising will run for three consecutive weeks during the month of October.

If your current year taxes remain unpaid, a tax lien will be issued against your property at Tax Lien Sale. The property itself is not sold at Tax Lien Sale. However, if your taxes remain unpaid for three consecutive years, a Treasurer's Deed may be issued. Find more information on tax liens.