NOTICE TO A BORROWER IN FORECLOSURE: If your property goes to foreclosure auction sale and is purchased for more than the total owed to the lender and to all other lien holders, please contact the Public Trustee's office after the sale because you may have funds due to you. Borrowers do not need to pay any fee to the Public Trustee or any third party in order to collect excess funds.
If the borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or both. The filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process.
NOTICE TO LENDER ATTORNEYS: Attorneys must submit an ACH form for all foreclosure fee refunds and lender payments (Cure Payments and Sale Proceeds), effective January 1, 2025.
Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 | Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 |