Larimer County Workforce Innovation Grant (WIG) Grant Funding

Applications for the Workforce Innovation Grants for Larimer County will be available Friday, December 3, 2021 through Thursday, January 20, 2022. 


Funding Type

The Workforce Innovation Grant is a reimbursement grant. Funds are provided to successful grant recipients after expenses have been incurred. Grant payments will be made to reimburse the grantee for actual expenses supported by adequate documentation. The Workforce Invest Grant funds are federal funds and are subject to the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements. We will help successful applicants navigate the OMB requirements.

If your organization is unable to pay for expenses in advance, please contact us at We may be able to connect you with a potential partner organization.  

Reimbursement Process 

Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development shall make payments to grant recipients on a reimbursement basis, consistent with local and federal regulations.  

Documentation is the key to all reimbursement requests. Reimbursements to recipients will be for allowable costs incurred within the recipient contract period. All costs must be reasonable, allowable, and necessary in the accomplishment of the project or program objectives. Reimbursement requests must be accompanied by source documentation sufficient to demonstrate that the recipient has made full payment, that the expense complies with an approved goal, and that all goods or services were received or completed within the effective dates of the grantee contract.

Grantees are paid on a reimbursement basis. Therefore it must be clear from the documentation provided that the recipient has made payment for the requested amount. Some examples of allowable and eligible expense documentation include vendor invoices, time sheets, contracts, training certificates, payroll records or other documentation that details the expense to a level that LCEWD can determine the cost itself is eligible and that it was incurred in a method that makes it allowable. Request may be submitted monthly or quarterly. 

Non-Allowable Costs
  • Funding may not be used to directly or indirectly offset a reduction in net tax revenue due to a change in law from March 3, 2021 through the last day of the fiscal year in which the funds provided have been spent,
  • No recipient, including cities, non entitlement units of government, and counties, may use funding to make deposits to a pension fund,
  • Funding debt service,
  • Legal settlements or judgments,
  • Deposits to rainy day funds or financial reserves,
  • General infrastructure spending is not covered as an eligible use outside of water, sewer, and broadband investments or above the amount allocated under the revenue loss provision,
  • Politically related activities,
  • Entertainment,
  • Fines/penalties,
  • Donations,
  • Fundraising activities,
  • Individual memberships and subscriptions, and
  • Any activities related to the marijuana industry.

Workforce Innovation Grant Information

Workforce Eligibility and Allowable Activities



Larimer County Workforce Innovation Grant

We are here to help.  Please contact us with any questions. 
