Welcome BHS Impact Fund Grantees! We are pleased to make the following communications resources available for your use as a grantee. We encourage you to share the announcement of your grant award and your role as a BHS grantee. To ensure the information our community receives about our department and the Impact Fund Grant

    BHS Brand Standard Guide for Grantees

    BHS Logos

    Green Logo - JPG
    Green Logo - PNG
    White Logo - PNG

    Guidance for Written Acknowledgment

    Correct ways to refer to our department: 

    - Larimer County Behavioral Health Services
    - Behavioral Health Services (BHS)

    Correct ways to refer to our grant program: 

    - Larimer County Behavioral Health Services Impact Fund Grant Program
    - Larimer County Behavioral Health Services Impact Fund
    - Behavioral Health Services Impact Fund Grant Program
    - Behavioral Health Services Impact Fund

    Sample Press Release
    Feel free to use this sample press release to help you craft your own announcement.

    Guidance for Social Media
    Our department manages the following social media accounts:
    Twitter: @bhs_LarimerCo
    Facebook: #lcbehavioralhealth

    When should you check in?

    • If you are producing promotional materials that display our logo
    • Mention BHS in written material for public consumption (online, radio, and print)
    • Initial check-ins for appropriate usage guidance


    Jennifer Wolfe-Kimbell
    Behavioral Health Services
    Communications Specialist
    970-498 -7127