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Utility Notification Center of Colorado 

An Access Permit is required for any access onto a

  • mainline (numbered) county roads
  • county maintained subdivision roads
  • improvement district roads
  • a change in use of an existing access (as defined in the Urban Area Street Standards, and the Rural Area Road Standards) onto any of the above described roads (i.e. changing a field access to residential access, etc.)

An Access Permit is not required for any access onto

  • non-county maintained roads

Identify these roads

Larimer County: Road Information Locator

  • "Layers" tab: select the "Road Info" button
  • "Visualization Options": select "Owned By"
  • Done

Required documentation includes

  • application
  • a clear site plan
  • insurance (contact Risk Management with questions at (970) 498-7361)
  • traffic control plan (TCP), developed and implemented by a certified traffic control company

Access types and requirements

At a minimum, Larimer County requires an all-weather surface, within the rights-of-way, on all accesses. This type of surface includes road base, recycled asphalt, recycled concrete, asphalt, and concrete and is determined by the surfacing of the roadway you will take access from.

Diagram detailing driveway construction elements, including driveway width, culvert radius, gate setback, and apron. The diagram shows the apron area where the driveway meets the roadway, the radius of the culvert for drainage, and the distance required for the gate setback from the edge of asphalt..
Click above for larger image


The Urban Area Street Standards and Rural Area Road Standards are the documents that control access construction in Larimer County rights-of-way.

  • Urban Area Street Standards, Chapter 9
  • Rural Area Roads Standards, Chapter 10   


Access Use

Width (X)


Width (Y)




Unpaved Road

Access Apron     
Paved Road

Single Family     

16' - 24'

15' - 20'

56' - 64'

50' Min.

15" Min.

Access Width


4' Min.

Small Commercial

24' - 36'

20' - 35'

64' - 75'

50' Min.

15" Min.

Access Width


4' Min.

Large Commercial

35. - 50'








*Aggregate material meeting Class 5 Aggregate Base specifications.     
**Determined during development review process

Access Permit Fees

Permit TypeFee
Residential (1-2 Homes)


Agricultural (Field Access)


Residential (More than 2 Homes) Without Road Improvements


Commercial or Major Agricultural Without Road Improvements


Major Access - Any Access Requiring Road Improvements (additional driving lanes, shoulders, or intersection changes, etc).



  1. Can I get an access permit before I apply for a building permit?

    Yes. Access permits are frequently issued prior to a building permit being requested. Because an access permit is often a requirement for getting a building permit, retaining your copy of the access permit is very important to avoid being charged for another one.

  2. Can I build the access myself?

    Yes. However, the insurance requirement mentioned above applies to work done by the property owner as well as work done by a contractor.

  3. What contractor can I use?

    There are many qualified contractors in our area. The phone book, Better Business Bureau, and referrals from others are three good ways to choose a contractor. Larimer County doesn't have a "list" of contractor's names that can be given.

Engineering Department - Permits

Attn Permits
200 West Oak Street, Suite 3000
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190

(970) 498-5709 email