For Buried and Overhead Utilities 
Call 1-800-922-1987 or 811

Utility Notification Center of Colorado 

Larimer County does not provide any public utility services (water, electric, sewer, etc.)

Please contact your local area service provider for public utility services.

A permit is required for

  • mainline (numbered) county roads
  • county maintained subdivision roads
  • improvement district roads

A permit in not required for

  • non-county maintained road

Identify these roads

Larimer County: Road Information Locator

  • "Layers" tab:  select the "Road Info" button
  • "Visualization Options":  select "Owned By"
  • Done 

Required documentation includes

  • application
  • a clear set of plans
  • emergency contact information
  • insurance (contact Risk Management with questions at (970) 498-7361)
  • traffic control plan (TCP), developed and implemented by a certified traffic control company

Right-of-way Construction Standards

Right-of-Way Construction Permit Fees:

Project Impact

Surface Age

Base Fee

Additional Fee

Service Installation1




Linear Footage Fee2



$0.10 per Linear Foot

Asphalt/Chipseal Cut

> 12 Months Old



Asphalt/Chipseal Cut3

< 12 Months Old


$5.00/Square Foot

Treated Gravel Cut4




Non-Treated Gravel Cut




Native Material Cut




1Service Installations which DO NOT disturb asphalt, concrete, or treated gravel surfaces, and DO NOT exceed a distance of ten (10) linear feet within the right-of-way will be assessed the Application Base Fee only.

2For installations parallel to the roadway within the right-of-way. This rate applies to underground installations only.

3Installations where the asphalt to be cut is less than 12 months old. If the Square Footage Fee is less than $200.00 then the $200.00 Asphalt/Chipseal Cut Fee will apply. Patches must be milled and inlaid to restore the roadway.

4For road cuts on gravel roadways that have been treated with Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Lignin Sulfonate, Exhesion, or other chemical dust suppressant within the last 12 months. This fee applies to all roads within public rights-of-way in Larimer County.

NOTE: These fees in no way release the applicant from restoring roadways to original or better condition. The street cut fees are in addition to the Base Application Fee and Linear Footage Fee. All fees are cumulative. Fees will not be charged for utility relocations due to capital improvements projects.


Attn Permits
Larimer County Engineering Department
200 West Oak Street, Suite 3000
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190

(970) 498-5709 email