Traffic Information Content

Information presented on this web site is strictly for Larimer County maintained roadways in unincorporated Larimer County (outside city limits).  For information on roadways not maintained by Larimer County contact the entity who has jurisdiction for the roadway.

People want to feel safe in their neighborhoods; they want to feel their streets are reasonably safe for all modes of transportation, including vehicles, walking, bicycling, horseback riding, etc.

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People want to feel like they have some level of neighborhood control over their residential streets to achieve that feeling of safety. Below are some of the most commonly requested traffic calming measures.


  • Speed humps are intended for use in residential areas where speeds are 30 mph or less.
  • A clear majority (65 percent) of affected residents must agree with the proposal.
  • The speed humps must conform to the design guidelines of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and the neighborhood will bear the cost of installing and maintaining the speed humps.
  • Speed humps shall not be used on mainline county roads.

The speed humps will be at least 12 feet in length and 3 to 4 inches in height. They are intended to make drivers more aware of their speeds by imparting a rocking motion, but can still be comfortably crossed at speeds of 20 to 25 mph. Shorter, more abrupt speed bumps which require drivers to nearly stop before crossing would not be allowed under the proposed guidelines. In applications throughout the country speed humps have been effective in curbing speeding in residential neighborhoods. The cost of installing the proposed speed humps range from approximately $1500 to $3000 each. Neighborhoods with existing speed bumps are required to replace those bumps with the new standard after three years if the County receives complaints from existing residents.

Implementation issues addressed:

What kinds of streets will speed humps be permitted on?

  • Primary intent is for residential streets only
  • Could be situations where speed humps could be justified on minor collector streets in residential neighborhoods
  • Speed humps not permitted on streets with speed limits greater than 30mph

What level of consensus is required?

  • 65% of property owners in the "affected traffic area"

What constitutes an "affected traffic area?"

  • An affected traffic area shall consist of the owners of property that in any way abuts the street footage where speed humps are proposed. Additionally, the affected traffic area shall include the owners of any property where the only ingress or egress requires passage over the street footage where speed humps are proposed.
  • The following exceptions to the above shall apply in situations where all or part of the financial responsibility for the maintenance of the proposed street footage for speed humps rests with any organization or entity besides Larimer County (i.e. homeowner associations, special improvement districts, etc.):
  • To be included in the affected traffic area count, the property owner(s) MUST belong to the organization or entity (and be properly assessed for affected street maintenance) that has financial responsibility for maintaining the proposed street footage for speed humps, even if their geographic location would normally have included that property in the affected traffic area; and conversely;
  • Any property owner that does belong to the organization or entity (and is properly assessed for affected street maintenance) that has financial responsibility for maintaining the proposed street footage for speed humps shall by definition be included in the count for affected traffic area, even if their geographic location would normally have excluded that property from the affected traffic area.

What if an individual homeowner is in the affected traffic area and doesn't want a speed hump directly in front of their property?

  • A homeowner who does not wish a speed hump adjacent to their property may request that the proposed location be moved; this request would be accepted if the movement did not compromise the effectiveness of the hump in reducing speed--final decision in this case would rest with the County

What kind of humps or bumps would be allowed?

  • Require ITE-suggested "humps" (as used in city of Fort Collins) as opposed to "bumps"
  • ITE recommended humps span a 12' distance with a maximum vertical rise of between 3 and 4 inches, appropriately signed and painted

What about existing bumps that have been installed in various neighborhoods that don't meet this engineering standard?

  • Require all speed bumps on county dedicated roads meet ITE standard within 3 years from the implementation of these recommendations by the county
  • County would need to be prepared to pay for the removal of non-conforming bumps after 3 years in neighborhoods that are unwilling or unable to pay for upgrade or removal (complaint basis only)

How will speed humps be funded?

  • The responsibility for funding speed humps must lie with residents of the neighborhood that want them

What if a neighborhood decides they don't want speed humps anymore?

  • Removal process would essentially be the same as installation
  • Definition of affected traffic area is the same
  • 65% of property owners in affected traffic area must want removal
  • Funding of removal should come from neighborhood residents

Speed limits based upon a state statutory speed or on the basis of an engineering study that considers numerous criteria. Many studies have shown that most motorists drive at a speed that they consider safe and reasonable - so arbitrarily lowering speed limits, without consistent enforcement, has little effect on travel speeds

Raised crosswalks are a speed hump combined with a crosswalk running along the top of the hump. See Speed Humps for more information.

Stop signs placement should not be used for traffic calming. Use of stop signs in unwarranted locations can result in several undesirable behaviors including:

  • higher speeds between stop signs as drivers try to make up lost time
  • increased noise from accelerating vehicles.
  • decreased compliance with stop signs.

Larimer County is evaluating long-term radar speed signs to help reduce speeds on lower speed roadways. A pilot program has been initiated.

Roundabouts are an effective means to decrease both speeds and crash severity at intersections. General information and driving tips for single lane roundabouts brochure.

Engineering Department - Traffic Operations

Attn Traffic Operations
200 West Oak Street, Suite 3000
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190

(970) 498-5707
Citizen Request Portal