This information is provided as general guidance on the subjects covered. It is not provided as legal or tax advice. Contact a qualified tax or legal adviser to discuss your specific situation. This is only a brief summary of a portion of our retirement plan. If there are any discrepancies between this summary and the plan document, the plan document will govern. Contact Human Resources if you would like to see the Plan Document.

Withdrawals at Termination or Retirement

You will be eligible for distributions from your retirement account upon separation from employment with Larimer County. When you terminate employment or retire, the County will notify TIAA by including your termination date with your final contribution. You will then work directly with TIAA to request a distribution.

For more information on your post-employment retirement account options, contact TIAA at 800-842-2252.

Withdrawals before Termination or Retirement

Funds are available for withdrawal upon termination or retirement, with limited exceptions. Please see the Plan Document for more information.

Home Loan Program

The Mandatory 401(a) Retirement Plan only allows loans for buying your primary residence. Click here to view informational flyer regarding the Home Loan program. For additional details, contact TIAA at 800-842-2252.