Larimer County has a policy for workforce restructuring. As part of this policy, there is a process and communication for a Layoff.

Employees provided a Notice of Layoff from Larimer County are eligible for additional paid leave if the employee signs a Waiver and Release Agreement.

The Waiver and Release Agreement will be provided to you, the employee, upon official notification of layoff, with the Layoff Notice and Separation information from the County.  The Separation Agreement asks you, as an employee, to agree to terms of separation from the County in exchange for administrative leave as outlined in the policy. It allows you time to review it and speak with an attorney if you choose, before the deadline date for signature.

The following are items addressed in the Waiver and Release Agreement:

  • There are a multitude of dates in the agreement, including the date of separation, date of last payment, and the date that you are required to sign and return the Waiver and Release Agreement.
  • A section that identifies you as the employee waives any and all rights you have or may have had, to pursue remedies available under any employment-related cause of action against the County.
  • A statement that identifies you as the employee waives any and all rights you have to pursue any claim of discrimination.
  • Identifies specific areas that you as the employee do not waive claims to, such as retirement benefits, unemployment, and other benefits.
  • Identifies that inquiries made by potential employers will be handled by Human Resources.
  • Identifies that the County will respond to any general request for information, and will not appeal awards of unemployment insurance benefits.  Assures you as the employee understands the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment has the sole discretion in awarding or not awarding unemployment benefits.
  • A statement that you as the employee acknowledge the return of County property and receipt of your personal property.
  • General acknowledgments of entering into the agreement under free will, reading the full and final agreement.

If you have questions about the Waiver and Release Agreement, please contact your HR Generalist.

Human Resources Department

HOURS: Monday - Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm

200 West Oak, Suite 3200, Fort Collins, CO 80521
PO Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80522
PHONE: (970) 498-5970 | FAX: (970) 498-5980
Email Human Resources
Email Benefits Team