Mandatory Remote Work

Employees required to work remotely will complete the remote work application upon hire or upon designation of their position or job as mandatory remote work by the Decision Maker.

Voluntary Remote Work

Either an employee or a supervisor can suggest remote work as a possible work arrangement.  Final approval for remote work is given to the Decision Maker of the Department/Office.

Any remote work arrangement made will be on a trial basis for the first three months and may be discontinued at will and at any time at the request of either the employee, supervisor, or the Decision Maker. Every effort will be made to provide 30 days' notice of such change to accommodate commuting, child care, and other issues that may arise from the termination of a remote work arrangement. There may be instances, however, when little to no notice is possible.

Temporary remote work arrangements may be approved for circumstances such as inclement weather, special projects, emergency response, family, medical or other circumstances supported by the Decision Maker. These arrangements are approved by the Decision Maker on an as-needed basis only, with no expectation of ongoing continuance.  All informal remote work arrangements are made on a case-by-case basis, and do not require the employee to complete an application for remote work.  For temporary remote work assignments, please reach out to risk management for any questions about remote work ergonomics and safety as needed.

The following are the basic considerations for remote work eligibility that will be evaluated by the supervisor and the Decision Maker; please review each of the sections of this program for additional detailed information for remote work.

  1. Employees requesting remote work arrangements must be employed with Larimer County in a regular, limited-term, or appointed employment status and must have a meets expectation performance record.  Temporary employees will generally be considered under the temporary work arrangement (see above), if a temporary employee does not meet the temporary remote work arrangements above, and will be an ongoing remote worker, please contact your generalist to determine if the employee should complete an application.
  2. Before entering into any remote work arrangement, the employee and supervisor will evaluate the suitability of such an arrangement, reviewing the following considerations:
  • Job responsibilities. The employee and supervisor will discuss the job responsibilities and determine if the job is appropriate for a remote work arrangement.
  • Employee suitability. The employee and supervisor will assess the needs and work habits of the employee, compared to traits customarily recognized as appropriate for successful remote work.
  • Equipment needs, workspace design considerations, and scheduling issues. The employee and supervisor will review the physical workspace needs and the appropriate location for the remote work.

Employees designated or requesting remote work (not temporarily), either Mandatory or Voluntary should complete the Remote Work Program Application. The remote work application will be reviewed by their supervisor, Decision Maker, and if out of state work is requested the application will be reviewed by Risk and Payroll.

As part of the application process the supervisor will be required to attest to the following items on the application:

  • The supervisor has reviewed the remote work program and the associated requirements with the employee.
  • Verify that the employee has identified they have a compliant workspace for remote work, as well as, appropriate access and security practices for handling their job specific information.
  • The supervisor has worked with the employee to agree upon a remote work schedule, and changes will be discussed and reviewed with the supervisor.
  • The supervisor has discussed with the employee the requirement to appropriately record their hours worked on their time card.
  • Ensure that the employee is aware of the training requirements of the program, and that the supervisor will ensure the employee completes the required training.
Human Resources Department

HOURS: Monday - Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm

200 West Oak, Suite 3200, Fort Collins, CO 80521
PO Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80522
PHONE: (970) 498-5970 | FAX: (970) 498-5980
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