Need help and not sure where to start?
- If you're a resident of a long-term care community, or if you have questions about long-term care communities: The Larimer County Ombudsman Program works to protect the rights of residents of assisted living residences and nursing facilities.
- If you need help around your home: The Office on Aging has Voucher Programs to help with personal care activities, light housekeeping, and strenuous physical chores.
- If you need help creating a long-term care plan for yourself or a loved one: Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) provides individualized decision-making guidance to plan for future long-term care needs and Application Assistance for Long-Term Care Medicaid and Medicare Savings Program.
- If you need help with community resources: The Office on Aging provides Information and Assistance navigating community resources, including transportation, nutrition services, medical care, legal services, and much more. View our online Answers on Aging Resource Guide or contact us with your questions.

Ombudsman Program
The Ombudsman Program responds to concerns about long-term care facilities through advocacy, conflict resolution, and education.

Voucher Programs
In-Home Service Voucher and Chore Voucher Programs help adults age 60 and beyond remain in their homes as safely and independently as possible.

Information and Assistance
Use our digital resource directory or contact our knowledgeable staff to answer your questions about programs that can help you.

ADRC Services
Consult with Office on Aging staff to discuss your needs, what's working, and what's not, to create the best plan for your future.