Veterans Frequently Asked Questions
Hours of Operation?
Normal business hours are:
- 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Thursday, closed for lunch from 12:30pm-1:00pm
- Friday hours 8:00am-12:30pm
- **Excluding Holidays**
Larimer County Administrative Services Building
200 West Oak Street, 5th floor
Fort Collins, CO 80521
How can I contact the Larimer County Veterans Service Office?
You can contact the Larimer County Veterans Service Office by calling (970) 498-7390 or emailing LARIMERVETERANS@LARIMER.ORG
What should I bring to my appointment?
SERVICE CONNECTED DISABILITY-This is for any injury that occurred while on active duty that still bothers you today. The VA will need the following criteria to be met to grant service connection:- Was there an injury while on active duty?
- Was the current injury aggravated by the military?
- Is this a chronic condition?
- Is there a current diagnosis?
- Is there a link between military service and current diagnosed condition?
- DD214, Report of Separation, Notice of Separation -Can be requested if not available
- Social security numbers for all dependents (spouse and children under the age of 23 and in school)
- Dates of birth for all dependents under the age of 23 and in school
- Civilian medical records that will support your claim (The VA will have access to your military and VAMC records)
- Date of marriage and place of marriage
- Previous marriage information (if applicable) dates and place of marriage/divorce and to whom you were married
PENSION for Veterans or Widows - This is based on income, net worth, and ongoing/out of pocket medical expenses.
IF FILING FOR PENSION BRING THE FOLLOWING INTO YOUR APPOINTMENT:- DD214 (showing character of discharge), Report of Separation, Notice of Separation
- Income from all sources such as social security, pensions, mandatory IRA distributions, oil royalties, and mineral rights
- Assets for both veteran and spouse (or whomever is living at the time of application) such as checking, savings, CDs, IRAs, money market accounts, stocks, bonds, etc
- All ongoing, out of pocket medical expenses-medicare, supplemental ins, assisted living, nursing home, in home care
- Marriage license (widows only)
- Death certificate (widows only)
How long will it take to process my claim?
A claim for service connected disability, pension, or Survivor's Benefits may take between 3-6 months, in most cases.
Appeal options such as Supplemental claims and Higher level review may take three to six months. If you file a notice of disagreement to the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA) it is a lengthier process and it may take three to five years before a hearing is scheduled with a BVA judge. -
Can I submit information to the Larimer County Veterans Service Office electronically?
Yes, you can submit information electronically to Larimer County Veteran Service Office Email LARIMERVETERANS@LARIMER.ORG
I do not have my discharge paperwork. What can I do?
There are several ways to request your DD214 or discharge papers from your active duty military service.
- Submit a request online through VA.GOV
Request military records and DD214 through the Veterans Administration - Submit an electronic request to NPRC (National Personnel Records Center)
Request military records and DD214 through NPRC - Larimer County VSO can assist you in faxing your request to NPRC if are not able to do so through electronic methods
- Submit a request online through VA.GOV
Who should apply to use the VA Medical Center?
All veterans should apply to use the VAMC. This benefit is sometimes based upon income and some times not, several different categories for eligibility and if interested in seeing if veteran is eligible then he/she should apply.
You can apply for VA healthcare through the Veterans Administration website or you can call 877-222-8387.
Apply for VA healthcare through VA.GOV -
Can I use the VA Medical Center?
If the veteran is found eligible then yes. Veterans eligibility can be based upon when they served, where they served, how much money they have, whether or not they have a service connected disability (even 0% in some cases). You must apply and find out if you are eligible.
Can I get a prescription from the VA Medical Center?
If found eligible to use the VA Medical Center (VAMC), then yes, you may be able to fill your prescriptions through their pharmacy. The veteran must have established care through the VAMC and their primary care physician orders all prescriptions.
How do I make an appointment to see a doctor at the VA Medical Center?
Scheduling an appointment at either the Northern Colorado VA Clinic (Loveland) or Cheyenne VAMC:
- Create an account and log into MyHealthEVet to schedule appointments, message your doctor, and view medical records
My Health E Vet Portal - Schedule appointments through VA.GOV
Make appointments for VA healthcare - Call 888-48-9127, press "0" and ask for scheduling
- Call 970-962-4900, press "2" and follow prompts
- Create an account and log into MyHealthEVet to schedule appointments, message your doctor, and view medical records
What is a service-connected rating and how do I establish one?
A service-connected rating is an official ruling by a VA Regional Office that your illness or condition is directly related to your active military service. VA Regional Offices are also responsible for administering educational benefits, vocational rehabilitation and other benefit programs, including home loans. To obtain more information, or to apply for any of these, contact your nearest VA Regional Office at 1-800-827-1000 or visit them online at

200 W. Oak Street, Fifth Floor, PO Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190
Phone: (970) 498-7390 | Fax: (970) 498-7395
Office Hours (Excluding Holidays)
- Monday - Thursday: 8 am to 4 pm, closed for lunch 12:30 pm - 1 pm
- Friday: 8 am - 12:30 pm