Development Review Referral Times Extended

Effective immediately, review times for new planning applications will be extended to reflect more accurate timelines due to staffing challenges. 

  • Referral times for location and extent reviews, 1041 permits, telecommunication permits, preliminary plats, appeals, and any other case types with code or statutory time requirements will not change.
  • Referral times for variances, minor modifications, amended plats, boundary line adjustments, lot consolidations, and add-on agreements are 30 days.
  • Referral times for all other remaining case types are 60 days.

In addition to the referral time frames noted above, the planning project manager will continue to have 7 additional days to process the referral comments and create a comment letter.

Errors and Omissions

Adopted and Effective January 9, 2023

Short-Term Rental Regulations

Adopted April 3, 2023 and Effective June 1, 2023

Errors and Omissions

Adopted and Effective November 6, 2023

Larimer County Land Use Code - Effective April 26, 2022

Errors and Omissions

Adopted April 25, 2022 and Effective April 26, 2022

  1. Correction to §3.2.3.B.2. to add the CD Commercial Destination zoning district as one that allows for multiple principal uses;
  2. Corrections to Table 3-1 in §3.2.6. and Table 3-2 in §3.2.7. to align use allowances with §11.3.2.A, Oil and Gas facilities;
  3. Corrections to the Table of Allowed Accessory Uses in §3.2.8. to correct errors related to helipads;
  4. Corrections in §3.4.5.B.2. to the review process required for Business Accessory Dwelling Units to align with Tables 3-3 and 3-4 in §3.2.8.;
  5. Addition to §4.12 Water Quality to include an omitted “Water Quality Adjacent to Drinking Water Reservoirs” section (formerly Sec. 8.12.6);
  6. Correction to §5.7.2. to remove reference to the Estes Valley as a location where a planned land division is required;
  7. Corrections to the allowed sign area for nonresidential signs in Table 8-4 in §8.4.3.B.; and
  8. Updates to Article 12 floodplain regulations that were inadvertently omitted from the Code in 2021.

Contact Planning Division

Larimer County Planning Division
200 W. Oak Street, Third Floor, Fort Collins, CO 80521

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