Yes - we take mattresses, furniture, electronics, tires, and more!

For more details visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page or View our A-Z list of waste materials disposal page for a complete list. 

In Colorado, high winds can be a sudden occurrence. The Larimer County Landfill will be closed under high wind conditions. Wind conditions are closely monitored using an on-site wind meter.

In addition, the Recycling Area, Household Hazardous Waste Facility, and Residential Electronic Recycling are closed when the Landfill is closed. The Business Office will maintain their normal business hours and the and Education Center will remain open for scheduled classes during periods of closure due to wind.

State regulations require landfills to close during high winds per the following: "Facilities for solid waste disposal where final disposal is performed, shall cease operations during periods when high winds are verified at the facility. High winds are defined as sustained winds of 40 mph or greater, or gusts of 55 mph or greater and are expected to persist for one hour or longer, as per the National Weather Service."

However, the Larimer County Solid Waste Department is authorized to make the final determination on whether to remain open or close on windy days. It is advisable to call in advance and check our current website status on windy days as conditions quickly change. We apologize for any inconvenience.

For up-to-the-minute information on unexpected closures (due to wind, etc.), call our 24-hour information line at (970) 498-5770. 

View the Colorado Revised Statutes 42-4-1407 pertaining to covered loads.

All waste, regardless of type, size or weight must be completely enclosed with a cover and secured to your vehicle. This includes trash in plastic bags. Our uncovered load policy is strictly enforced; if you don't cover it, you'll be charged double fees.

Customers are responsible for uncovering their loads as well as offloading their trash at both the landfill and the transfer stations.