Business Hazardous Waste Drop Off By Appointment Only

Call (970) 498-5773 to request an appointment, or use the online form.

Open Every Wednesday for Business appointments only.

Larimer County's Business Hazardous Waste Diversion Program (BHWD) is a safe and affordable hazardous waste disposal and/or recycling option, as well as a technical advice resource for Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG) in Larimer County. Handling hazardous waste properly:

  • Ensures businesses and organizations remain in regulatory compliance.
  • Is an important step that small businesses can take to help protect ground and surface water. 

The BHWD Program operates at the Larimer County Household Hazardous Waste Facility by appointment only on Wednesdays.

For full program information, click on the link below.

BHWD Resource PDF   Request an Appointment


To use the BHWD Program you must:

  • Operate and generate hazardous waste within Larimer County
  • Fall under the classification of Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG)
  • Generate waste approved through BHWD.
  • Set up an appointment with a Hazardous Waste Technician to deliver waste during business program hours. Call (970) 498-5773 to schedule.
  • Package waste in containers 5 gallons or smaller.  Containers larger than 5 gallons must be preapproved.
  • Package waste in original containers with legible labeling or bring SDSs to accompany waste. Unknown waste is not accepted.

Examples of businesses that participate in BHWD include:

  • Auto repair shops with cleaning solvents and used oil
  • Woodworkers with solvents, varnish and stains
  • Exterminators with pesticides and herbicides, etc.
  • Review program information in our BHWD Resource PDF, which includes information on generator status, waste management tips, current disposal prices, and additional resources.
  • Request an appointment by phone (970) 498-5773, or by submitting a Waste Inventory Form through the Appointment Request form
  • Deliver waste at scheduled time.  Note:  An unscheduled appointment fee of $50 will be applied to the standard pricing for unscheduled disposals.
  • Pay with cash, check, or credit card at the time of service (we do not accept American Express). Checks should be made out to Larimer County Solid Waste.

A VSQG is a business that is exempt from most state and federal hazardous waste disposal regulations, as long as it generates very small quantities of hazardous waste and ensures delivery of its waste to a facility that is permitted to receive it.

Specifically, a VSQG:

  • Generates no more than 100 kilograms (about 220 pounds or 25 gallons) of hazardous waste in any calendar month
  • Generates no more than 1 kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of acutely hazardous waste in any calendar month
  • Never accumulates more than 1000 kilograms of hazardous waste on-site

Larimer County businesses can request a free site visit. As a non-regulatory agency, we will walk through your site with you and offer suggestions on how to manage and dispose of hazardous materials safely. Call during business hours to schedule: (970) 498-5773.

By being a part of BHWD, Larimer County businesses can:

  • Save money when managing smaller quantities of hazardous waste
  • Be assured that business wastes are properly disposed and recycled
  • Receive on-site assistance with waste identification and suggestions for waste minimization
  • Help protect ground and surface water.
  • Larimer County Solid Waste is a PaintCare participant. PaintCare is a non-profit product stewardship organization that facilitates paint recycling within states like Colorado that have paint stewardship laws.
  • Products covered by PaintCare include latex paint, oil-based paint, and stains. Find what is and isn't accepted through PaintCare.
  • Businesses disposing of PaintCare paint will be charged a processing fee of $0.25 per gallon based on container size. Paint that is not accepted by PaintCare will be charged standard pricing. See the last page of the BHWD Resource Packet for prices.
  • Businesses must note that oil-based paint and stains, even if they are part of the PaintCare program, are considered hazardous. This means that having 18 to 20 gallons of this paint may be over the 220 pound per month limit and may disqualify your business as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG).
  • For more information on PaintCare, visit

Did you know that bulbs contain mercury and should not be discarded with regular trash? But you can safely dispose of them through BHWD.

For more information, visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's "Mercury" page.

Company Website Phone
Call 2 Recycle (Rechargeable Battery) (877) 723-1297
Batteries Plus (Rechargeable Battery) (970) 206-0206
Interstate Batteries (Car Battery) (970) 484-1307
Rocky Mountain Battery Recycling (Car Battery) (970) 484-5384


Find out about managing batteries as Universal Waste in this guidance from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment.

On July 31, 2001, electronic devices and components (such as, but not limited to, computer monitors, central processing units and printers) were added to the Universal Waste Rule, which was created by the federal government to assist businesses and agencies that handle certain frequently generated hazardous wastes. Other items that may be included under this rule are batteries, mercury-containing lighting wastes (such as fluorescent light bulbs), and aerosol cans.

If a business has electronics it no longer needs, the most practical choice is to recycle them as a universal waste rather than dispose of them. Disposal of these wastes is difficult to control because of their widespread use. The rule is intended to provide a set of reduced management standards that lessen the regulatory burden and encourage recycling for those wastes generated. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), if materials that are considered universal wastes are not managed under the Universal Waste Rule, then they are subject to full compliance with hazardous waste rules such as labeling, manifesting, training and time limits.

If you have wastes that can be declared universal wastes, guidelines for handling them can be found in the Colorado Hazardous Waste Regulations 6 CCR 1007-3 Part 273.

For complete details regarding these regulations as well as other useful information, access the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's hazardous waste page. Or call the Larimer County Household Hazardous Waste Program at (970) 498-5773 with questions.

Electronics Recycling Resources:

Company Website Phone
Waste Management

(970) 371-3362
I.T. Refresh (970) 797-2934


Does your business have vape waste to deal with? If you're feeling stuck, follow this link to a Vape Waste Resource Google Drive folder.

Tips for Larimer County Vape-Waste Generators

Colorado Department of Health and Environment Guidance (scroll down to "Management of E-Liquid Waste")


Contact Us

Larimer County Landfill
5887 S. Taft Hill Road
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Schedule an appointment: (970) 498-5773
24-hour information line: (970) 498-5770