CR 54 (Douglas Road) Safety Improvement Project
Larimer County has completed the preliminary design to address deteriorating pavement conditions on CR 54 (Douglas Road) and to add wider shoulders for bicyclists and pedestrians. The preliminary design includes turn lanes to provide safer ingress and egress from homes and neighborhoods along the roadway. The project limits will extend from CR 17 (Shields Street) to State Highway 1.
The project is currently on hold while funding sources are determined.
Besides overlaying the road, the proposed safety improvements include widened paved asphalt shoulders, and the addition of a center turn lane east of Swan Lane. Conceptual typical roadway sections for these two options are presented below. Existing culverts and irrigation ditch crossings will be improved to meet current standards. The existing pavement section will be removed and replaced with new roadbase and asphalt. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2026 or 2027 depending on *funding availability.
We understand that road construction can cause inconveniences including temporary delays. However, access will be maintained to properties and subdivisions throughout the duration of the project.