Internal Climate Action, Resilience, and Education Plan (ICARE)
The County's internal ICARE Plan was adopted in 2022. It provides goals to address the priority focus areas in the tabs below and the actions strive to reach the desired outcomes within four areas.
GOAL STATUS Goal statuses are categorized by on track, emerging, and needs attention. The aim is to understand if efforts are proceeding as planned, are emerging with progress showing or need attention or resources to complete.
On Track
Needs Attention
As a part of the ICARE Plan, Larimer County recently embarked on an update to its local government operations greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory. More detailed information about the results including landfill emissions can be found in this memo.
A GHG inventory, also known as a carbon footprint assessment, is a quantified list of an organization’s greenhouse gas emissions and emission sources. Greenhouse gas inventories can serve as baselines to track increases and decreases in future emissions and can help identify reduction targets and effective strategies for reducing emissions within our operations.
A briefing the Larimer County Commissioners received is available as slides or a recording.
As a part of the ICARE Plan, Larimer County recently embarked on an update to its local government operations greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory. More detailed information about the results including landfill emissions can be found in this memo.
A GHG inventory, also known as a carbon footprint assessment, is a quantified list of an organization’s greenhouse gas emissions and emission sources. Greenhouse gas inventories can serve as baselines to track increases and decreases in future emissions and can help identify reduction targets and effective strategies for reducing emissions within our operations.
A briefing the Larimer County Commissioners received is available as slides or a recording.
Larimer County has been hard at work being good stewards of our resources, economy, and community in a sustainable manner since 1975. We hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane!