Benefits Information
Can you please explain the Mandatory 401a plan?
- All benefit eligible employees are enrolled in the mandatory 401a plan upon hire.
- The mandatory employee contributions are as follows: 5% for years 0-5 in the plan; 7% for years 6-10 in the plan; 8% for years 10+ in the plan.
- These mandatory contributions cannot be adjusted but you can contribute more with the other plans that are available such as a voluntary 401(a) after tax, or a 457(b) pre tax or Roth account. To enroll in these plans, complete the online election forms available on the 401(a) and 457(b) pages.
When is Open Enrollment?
Open Enrollment will be held annually in the Fall. Open Enrollment is required every year for you to continue your benefits for the following plan year.
As a new hire, when do my benefits become effective?
If hired between the 1st and 15th of the month, your benefits begin on the 1st day of the next full month. If hired between the 16th and 31st of the month, your benefits begin on the 1st day of the second full month.
**For example, If your date of hire is 1/3, your benefits would begin on 2/1. If your start date was 1/16, your benefits would begin on 3/1.
When I terminate my employment, when do my benefits end?
On the last day of the month that employment ends.
**For example, if your termination date is 3/31, your benefits would terminate on 3/31. If your last day of employment was on 4/1, your benefits would terminate on 4/30.
What is considered a qualifying event for benefit status changes?
The IRS defines what is a qualifying event for benefit status changes. Examples include: Marriage, Divorce, Birth, Adoption, Dependent gains coverage through a new job, Dependent loses coverage due to termination of employment, Spouse’s open enrollment, etc.
Due to these IRS regulations, you only have 31 days from the date of the change to complete the Benefit Status Change Form and submit documentation as required.
If I have a baby, are they automatically covered on my benefits?
Your baby is NOT automatically added to your coverage. You will need to complete the Benefit Status Change form within 31 days from baby's birth date per IRS regulations for us to add your baby to your insurance.
We do not need the baby’s Social Security Number to add them to coverage, that can be provided to HR Benefits staff later upon receipt.
Do I need to enroll in Medicare when I turn age 65?
The County does not require you to drop from our medical coverage when you turn age 65. For more Medicare information, you can contact Trozan Insurance Agency at 970-224-5500
Where do I find my insurance cards?
Click here:
(You will need your member ID number and Group # 17498, in order to register your account. Email the Benefits team to request your Member ID number.) - DENTAL
Click here:
I did not receive my VSP ID card.
VSP does not send ID cards; however you can download or email a card by logging in to your VSP account.
Where can I find vendor contact information and policy numbers?
Click here to be directed to our list of vendors.
What is our Colorado in Motion benefit (for Physical Therapy)?
For those on those on the Choice or Standard PPO plan, the first 8 visits of the calendar year are free, then it’s a $25 copay per visit for any subsequent visits.*
*Subject to the deductible for those enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan.
What does “open-network” mean as it relates to our Behavioral Health Counseling benefit?
- Open-Network means that your provider does not need to accept Aetna/Meritain insurance.
- It’s a $25 copay whether the provider is in or out of network for those on the Choice or the Standard PPO plan.*
- If the provider does not accept Aetna/Meritain, they may or may not bill insurance directly. If they do not, you would need to pay in full, get an itemized receipt with a diagnostic code from the provider, and submit your claim to Meritain for reimbursement on the member portal. Instructions on how to submit a claim can be found here.
*Subject to the deductible for those enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan
What does “open-network” mean as it relates to our Urgent Care benefit?
- Open-Network means that your provider does not need to accept Aetna/Meritain insurance.
- It’s a $50 copay whether the provider is in or out of network for those on the Choice or the Standard PPO plan.*
- If the provider does not accept Aetna/Meritain, they may or may not bill insurance directly. If they do not, you would need to pay in full, get an itemized receipt with a diagnostic code from the provider, and submit your claim to Meritain for reimbursement on the member portal. Instructions on how to submit a claim can be found here.
*Subject to the deductible for those enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan
What does “open-network” mean as it relates to our Emergency Room benefit?
- Open-Network means that your provider does not need to accept Aetna/Meritain insurance.
- It’s a $200 copay whether the provider is in or out of network for those on the Choice or the Standard PPO plan.*
- If the provider does not accept Aetna/Meritain, they may or may not bill insurance directly. If they do not, you would need to pay in full, get an itemized receipt with a diagnostic code from the provider, and submit your claim to Meritain for reimbursement on the member portal. Instructions on how to submit a claim can be found here.
*Subject to the deductible for those enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan
Do my children need to be enrolled in dental in order to utilize the Right Start for Kids (RS4K) program (where oral care is covered at 100% up to age 12, except for orthodontia)?
Yes, you must enroll your children in Dental coverage in order to qualify for this benefit.
When can I use clinic leave?
- You must be enrolled in the county medical plan.
- This can be used for any appointments for yourself (not for your spouse or child/ren) at the clinic (even for massages) and/or Larimer County sponsored events such as Biometric Screenings, Flu Shot Clinics, Mammograms, etc.
Can I use sick leave for a Massage or Acupuncture?
- You must be enrolled in the county medical plan.
- Yes, since massages and acupuncture are covered under our medical plan, time away from work can be used as sick time.
Does everyone in my family qualify for the Lifestyle Education benefit?
Yes, all family members that are enrolled in a medical plan each get the $500 Lifestyle Education credit per calendar year.* Click here for more information on the Lifestyle Education Program.
*Subject to the deductible for those enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan.
What is the access code for the Healthcare Bluebook app?
Access Code: larimer
I was charged a copay for a preventive care visit. What do I do now?
Please email the Benefits team to inform us and we’ll look into your claim.
Can I attend any benefits orientation for a refresher?
Benefits Orientation videos can be viewed online at your convenience through the Absorb platform. Email the Benefits team to be enrolled.

HOURS: Monday - Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm
200 West Oak, Suite 3200, Fort Collins, CO 80521
PO Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80522
PHONE: (970) 498-5970 | FAX: (970) 498-5980
Email Human Resources
Email Benefits Team