- Elected Officials
- Assessor (WM)3HF, 23WF, 1HM, 16WM, 1NSM
- Clerk & Recorder (WF)6HF, 2MRF, 42WF, 2HM, 1MRM, 25WM
- Coroner (WM)2HF, 7WF, 1BM, 2WM
- District Attorney (WM)1AF, 1BF, 7HF, 2MRF, 61WF, 2HM, 1NSM, 2MRM, 25WM
- Sheriff (WM)1AIF, 1AF, 13HF, 7MRF, 122WF, 2AIM, 5AM, 7BM, 33HM, 4PIM, 7MRM, 265WM
- Surveyor (WM)
- Treasurer (WF)1HF, 4WF, 4HM, 3WM
- Board of County Commissioners WF, WF, WM
- Community Justice Alternatives (WF) 1NSF, 12WF, 6WM
- Community Planning, Infrastructure, and Resources (WF)
- Human & Economic Health Services (WF)3WF
- Support Services
- Elected Officials
AF | Asian Female | AM | Asian Male |
AIF | American Indian Female | AIM | American Indian Male |
BF | Black Female | BM | Black Male |
HF | Hispanic Female | HM | Hispanic Male |
MRF | More Than 1 Race Female | MRM | More Than 1 Race Male |
NSF | Not Specified Female | NSM | Not Specified Male |
PIF | Pacific Islander Female | PIM | Pacific Islander Male |
WF | White Female | WM | White Male |
* These definitions are dictated by the Department of Labor and the Office of Federal Contracts Compliance Program (OFCCP).
LAST UPDATED: April 2024