The Inclusion Advisory Council (IAC) Charter states that a responsibility of the IAC is to develop, implement, and communicate an annual Inclusion Plan.
Inclusion Plan
Create a process for data evaluation and analysis, and develop methods for communication with staff about inclusion initiatives.
- Initiative 1: Explore data collection options to identify gaps in current data collection efforts and to support the data needs of IAC and other goal groups
- Timeframe: 1 year + sustain
- Initiative 2: Create a plan to promote IAC initiatives to staff and to invite requests from staff for support
Empower Employees to engage in inclusive practices by:
Increasing inclusion awareness and knowledge
Providing tools and resources to support underrepresented groups
- Initiative 1: Identify and recommend how to create and maintain a grassroot ERG Program.
- Initiative 2: Identify, recommend, and provide inclusion training and development opportunities.
Increase the identification, self-reporting, support, and hiring of individuals with disabilities.
- Initiative 1: Increase awareness and education of what Larimer County is doing as an employer to support employees with a disability, including temporary disabilities.
- Initiative 2: Review and recommend possible updates to job descriptions and job postings to be more inclusive for individuals with disabilities.
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PO Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80522
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