A pre-application meeting is required before submitting a development review application. Our online system offers an easy, convenient way to request a pre-application meeting. Follow the link to the Online Portal to create an account and request a pre-application meeting for a specific property. Once the request has been submitted, you will be assigned with a planner who will set up the pre-application meeting.
Pre-application Meeting Information
What is a pre-application meeting?
Do I need a pre-application meeting?
How do I use the Online Portal?
What to Expect
The pre-application meeting provides an opportunity for the applicant to meet with planning staff to review submittal requirements, review procedures, and applicable Land Use Code standards associated with the proposed development concept. Staff will assist the applicant to identify key issues and concerns regarding the proposed development project so the applicant may address them as part of their formal planning application submittal.
More information on pre-application meetings, can be found in the Larimer County Land Use Code.
A pre-application meeting is NOT required for the following:
- Accessory Living Area (ALA)
- Combining two or more adjacent properties (Lot Consolidation/Add-on Agreement)
- Setback Variance
- Eligible Facilities Request
If you would like to apply for one of the processes noted above, please contact the On Call Planner at planning@larimer.org so that we can provide you with an application packet and instructions. All other application types require a pre-application meeting before applying.
Helpful handouts to assist with using the Online Portal:
1. Submit a request for a pre-application meeting through the online portal.
2. Your request will be assigned to a planner and they will reach out to schedule the 1- hour pre-application meeting. Note: Pre-application meetings are currently being scheduled roughly 2-3 months out.
3. Pre-application meetings can be held via Zoom or in-person at 200 W Oak Street in Fort Collins. These meetings take place on Thursday mornings each week. Please let your assigned planner know if you have any scheduling conflicts.
Pre-application meetings are currently free to attend.
2024 fee schedule - Fees will due at the time of application submittal. Your assigned planner will go over applicable fees during the pre-application meeting.
How to Prepare
No need to prepare anything ahead of time, unless asked by your assigned planner.
During the Meeting
During the pre-application meeting you can expect to receive preliminary feedback on your proposal from multiple Larimer County agencies (Planning, Engineering, and the Health Department). Additionally, your assigned planner will go over the submittal requirements and expectations of the applicable planning process.
After the Meeting
Your assigned planner will upload a meeting summary and/or application packet to the online portal. You will be notified via email whenever these documents are ready for your review. Once you are ready to submit your application, you will email the separate PDFs identified on the checklist to planningCIRT@larimer.org (attached to one email).

Contact Planning Division
200 W. Oak Street, Third Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Mon: 8am - 4pm
Tue: 8am - 4pm
W: 10am - 4pm
Thu: 8am - 4pm
Fri: 8am - 4pm
Email the on call planner:
Leave us a detailed voicemail:
(970) 498-7679
Email Wireless Communication Team
Planning Division Directory