What do we do?

The Development Review Services Team is responsible for processing a variety of land use applications, which include requests for land divisions, commercial developments, rezoning requests, amended plats, Rural Land Use Plans, referral from adjacent entities, and proposed public projects. The Team primarily includes the Larimer County Planning Department, Engineering Department, and Health Department. The Team also works cooperatively with other City and County departments that are involved in review of new land use applications.

One of the main objectives of the Engineering component of the Development Review Services Team is to ensure that adequate public facilities are addressed with all new land use applications proposed within Larimer County. The Engineering Department Development Services Engineers are responsible for analyzing and evaluating information regarding transportation, stormwater, floodplain, and erosion control needs. We provide technical review of construction plans, stormwater and erosion control plans and reports, floodplain analysis, groundwater modeling, geotechnical/soil investigation reports, traffic impact studies and pavement designs.

What are the Engineering Related Requirements and Standards?

As part of the Larimer County Engineering Department technical review, staff determines whether land use applications comply with applicable Larimer County Codes and Standards. These include:

These codes represent the minimum requirements for land use applications and any deviations from these standards will require a staff variance or appeal approved by the Board of County Commissioners.

Once a Development is approved, when can construction start?

A Development Construction Permit (DCP)  is required prior to the commencement of any improvements associated with an approved project, except Rural Land Plans (Section 12.5 of the Larimer County Land Use Code). Prior to issuance of this permit, the applicant must schedule a Development Construction Permit meeting with our Department. The fee schedule of the permit is listed on the Development Construction Permit and is based on the number and type of units proposed.

What is it?

Larimer County Engineering Department has a Development Construction Permit (DCP) to help make sure that development infrastructure gets constructed according to approved plans and meets Larimer County design standards and specifications. A DCP is required in order to coordinate the construction process of development related improvements in Larimer County and assure adequate completion of all improvements required to serve the project. The permit is also used to administer the warranty period and eventual release of warranty collateral. The permit is typically filled out and submitted during the DCP coordination meeting.

Who needs one?

A Development Construction permit (DCP) is required prior to the commencement of any improvements associated with an approved project, except Rural Land Plans ("Larimer County Land Use Code"). The permit is required to construct both public and private infrastructure improvements that are a result of the Land Use Application review and approval process. Typical Land Use Application Reviews include land divisions (Conservation Developments, Planned Land Divisions, Subdivisions, etc.), commercial developments (Site Plans), rezoning requests, and proposed public projects.

When will it be issued?

The Larimer County Engineering Department will issue a Development Construction Permit after all of the following steps have occurred:

  • The development has completed the appropriate land use application review and approval process. This means that the Board of County Commissioners has approved and signed the final plat/plans for land divisions or county staff has signed off on the final plans and reports for commercial developments (site plans).
  • The Plat has been recorded with the Larimer County Clerk & Recorder.
  • The Engineering Department has signed the construction plans.
  • The Development Agreement, if required, has been executed.
  • The construction collateral (typically 115% of the total costs) has been retained.

In addition to the above steps, a Development Construction Coordination Meeting is required for all projects prior to Development Construction Permit issuance. The meeting is scheduled by the County Engineering Staff and it is typically held in the County Engineering offices. The following people are typically required to attend this meeting:

  • Developer and/or Project Manager
  • Professional Engineer certifying the site and storm drainage improvements
  • Professional Engineer performing and certifying the quality control materials testing
  • General Contractor and key Sub-Contractor(s)

What happens after the permit is issued?

  • Work must begin within 60 days of permit issuance.
  • During construction, the project will be inspected by both the applicant's hired professional engineers and the County Engineering inspector. The applicant's hired professional engineers must review all aspects of the work, including the material testing results. The Development Construction Inspection and Notification Matrixis a guide outlining the material testing results that need to be reviewed by the County inspector and the critical work items that need to be inspected by the County inspector.
  • Work must be completed by the completion date listed in the Project Development Agreement.
  • Once all construction work items are complete and all other obligations of the development have been met, the project is eligible to enter the 2-year warranty period. During the 2-year warranty period the developer is solely responsible to maintain, repair, and replace any and all improvements in the development.
  • At the end of the 2-year warranty period the County will reinspect the project improvements. The developer is solely responsible for maintenance, repairs and replacements of any deficiencies that are found. Once all deficiencies have been resolved, the development construction permit will be closed.

See the Planning Department for other development issues.

Development Review

Attn Development Review
Larimer County Engineering Department
200 West Oak Street, Suite 3000
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190

(970) 498-5701